Generative AI is a type of AI that involves the use of deep learning models to generate new data that is similar to the input data it has been trained on. These models are typically based on neural networks, which are algorithms inspired by the way the human brain processes information. Generative AI models typically consist of one or more neural networks that are trained on a dataset of input data samples. The model learns the underlying patterns and structures in the data and uses this information to generate new data samples that are similar to the input data. This next part of the routine is an opportunity for students to press each other for evidence.

After doing the routine we asked the children to write down what they used to think and what they think now. It was so interesting to hear the children’s thinking and understanding of how the machine worked. I think.…… this enabled the students to bring their thoughts into the conversation. Some responses were based on prior knowledge, others were simply creative ideas. I notice..…… this required the students to carefully observe the image and identify something they found of interest in the image.

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Every month I will highlight a visible thinking routine from Making Thinking Visible and how I have used it with my classes. The content chosen for The Explanation Game should be somewhat complex, with various parts and features. Complexity naturally prompts us to take a second look and inspires close observation. For this routine, it is ok to use content that students may have seen before. What’s essential is to engage in skillful thinking to understand why something works the way it does. Integrating this routine when exploring scientific phenomena provides an excellent link to the scientific process.

When we work in groups and are exposed to the thinking of others, the ideas of others can spark our own thinking and can make creating multiple explanations much easier because we can build off each others’ thinking. The purpose of the Explanation Game is to encourage students to look more closely at the details of an object and think of several reasons why that object is the way it is. It gets students to think about the “parts of the whole.” The Explanation Game asks learners to think about the reasons something works the way it does or about its purpose. By explaining the parts of an object and the relationship between those parts students can gain a deeper understanding. On-demand PrEP is for people who want to plan for protection around a sexual encounter. It is taken in a series before and after sex — two pills between two to 24 hours before sex, one pill the day after, and another pill the day after that (2-1-1).

Choosing Content for the Explanation Game

Another way to view these steps is as a way students can learn to chase after and investigate individual ideas in conversation. Most importantly, the process of thinking and figuring out with The Explanation Game should be allowed to unfold organically as a game. One of the key challenges in training generative AI models is ensuring that the generated data is diverse and realistic. To address this challenge, researchers have developed various techniques, such as regularization methods, to prevent the model from memorizing the training data and encourage it to generate new, diverse samples. The two pills approved for PrEP are called Truvada (emtricitabine tenofovir) and Descovy (emtricitabine tenofovir alafenamide).

The HIV Epidemic: From Deadly Crisis to Routine Care

Students can use the explanations they generate during this routine to identify theories and hypotheses to test. NewYork-Presbyterian launched the Sexual Health Mobile Medical Unit which brings comprehensive sexual health services to underserved communities. The side effects for PEP are also minor (nausea, upset stomach, fatigue and headaches) and should go away after the first week. There is currently no vaccine available for HIV, however over the past decade, the breakthrough medication PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) has driven down the rates of transmission. PrEP prevents the virus from taking hold and spreading throughout the body, and when taken correctly, reduces the risk of getting HIV from sex by 99%. It does not protect against other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) like syphilis and gonorrhea, so it’s advised with condom use and frequent HIV and STI testing.

Teachers who model effective listening behavior for students develop students who become effective listeners. Showing genuine interest in what students say during a thinking routine like The Explanation Game helps build a community centered on exploring ideas and a culture overwatch guide of skillful thinking. Students also respond more enthusiastically when they are given agency to develop their own ideas. When teachers value student thinking by listening, students are further motivated by the sense that someone is invested in them and their ideas. They come from careful listening and responding to individual students’ thinking.The power of effective listening in groups is that it allows us to build on one another’s ideas.

In addition to observing, crafting explanations based on evidence, and asking questions, students will also pay close attention to effective listening and how it can provide a path to deeper learning. Generative AI works by leveraging deep learning techniques to create new data samples that are similar to the input data it has been trained on. The key components of generative AI models are neural networks, which are algorithms that are inspired by the way the human brain processes information. One of the most popular types of generative AI models is the generative adversarial network (GAN), which was introduced in 2014 by Ian Goodfellow and his colleagues.

This allows the class to build on the group’s thinking and often results in richer discussions. Allow time for the group to review each of the prompts, discussing how their thinking developed during the routine. Begin the routine by giving students a few minutes to observe the chosen content. Encourage students to use sticky notes to record and name the things they notice.

Students can also collaborate and share with a partner, paying particular attention to things their partner noticed that they might have missed. Gather the group and create a space where students can share what they named. Scientists are hopeful that a new form of PrEP now in the final stages of FDA approval will be a game changer. In this article, we will explore what generative AI is, how it works, and the potential applications and implications of this exciting technology. This is a support resource for Bill Roberts teachers to share successes / challenges and have a critical discussion about INQUIRY and how to make it work with the thinking strategies and backward design. Students were asked to observe two pictures related to a unit on Education.

Effective listening also requires us to be open-minded and protect against arriving at false conclusions. The Explanation Game can be a great tool because it asks all participants to think, listen, and provide more than one explanation. Listening closely and allowing ourselves to be inspired by the thinking of others is a great way to take one’s thinking beyond obvious first assumptions. Download a free anchor chart and graphic organizer for your students and support them in developing a habit of moving beyond first assumptions and pressing for evidence as a way of learning. The Explanation Game thinking routine, developed by Ron Richtart and researchers at Project Zero, supports students in increasing their understanding of a concept by crafting multiple explanations based on evidence. Engaging in this thinking routine will help students learn to work together toward understanding why something is the way it is.

What is the “explanation game” and how does it work?

The long-acting injectable form, Apertude (cabotegravir), was approved in 2021 as a single intermuscular shot given every two months. “The injectable form of PrEP is equally as protective against HIV as the daily pill, if not more so, because you don’t have to worry about taking a pill regularly,” says Carnevale. Another medication to prevent HIV transmission is called PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis). It also works by blocking the virus from replicating; however, PEP is for emergency situations only. PEP should be started within three days (72 hours) of potential exposure, but “the sooner you start, the better,” says Carnevale.

The purpose of this game is to press toward early answers as a group of scientists and engineers. As a thought partner in the process, teachers should press students for specific language, evidence of their observations, explanations, and reasoning, as well as possible alternative interpretations. The more students engage in this routine, the more they will take on the role of thought partner and thinking coach among their peers. Take note of the different steps below, but we caution you against the following elements of The Explanation Game as steps everyone should do simultaneously.